I've been procastinating to organize my own closet for quite a while now. But let's face it... Now with the winterclothes definately being out of season, I could do it while sorting them out, right? RIGHT! It was not what I planned to do when I got up this morning, nope, it was a coincidence because I was at my chinese store again and saw a few small and not too expensive tools which I hoped would help to get my mess into a more acceptable shape...
So this is the BEFORE picture
What you can't see in the picture is the small plastic containers containing sunglasses, scarves, belts...
I also had two drawers just close to the bed, in which I kept my socks and underwear.
First of all I took out everything that did not belong there and put it into it's place. Then I kept going through everything single piece of clothing, and tossed everything which was for one or another reason in an inacceptable shape.
I sorted out the winter clothes, putting everything I had kept from the winter before but not worn last winter into a big plastic bag to give away.
I put my little tools together. 3 small drawers and a closet organizer... When I was done, I put the remaining socks into one small drawer, the underwear into another one, and all the belts, sunglasses etc into the third one. I put them on one of the shelfs in my closet, and put the handbags I decided to keep just next. I neatly folded the jeans and shirts as well as my PJ's, put them into the 'closet organizer'.
And, what did I see? There was one ENTIRE shelf completely empty!!! I took my chance, and put the bath towels there, knowing they won't remain there forever. We'll be getting a new closet for the kids soon which means my daughter's will become the new closet to keep these kind of things. Oh, and due to the weird weather, I didn't dare to put the box with my winter clothes I'll keep, too dar away. So it is still sitting there, on the bottom where it is easy for me to reach.
Time for the AFTER picture :)
Well, that's better, isn't it? :)
So, Laura from "I am an Organizing Junkie" asked in this weeks "52 weeks of organizing" post:
Do you rotate your seasonal clothing? If so, have you done it yet?
I usually do not rotate seasonal clothing, not mine anyways. Doing it now made me realize that this helps me keep the clutter in my closet to a certain minimum.
Are you celebrating your accomplishments as you go? It’s so important no matter how big or small the task is you complete!
Well, the high I get from it is celebration and motivation to me. But I admit it: For every week I keep going, I get myself some good ice cream from the supergood gelateria at the end of my street :)
What’s on your list for this next week?
This is hard to tell. There are quite a few things I have to tackle. It also depends on the tools I find, or inspirations I have. Looking around it *might* be the kids toys.