Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My husband's new job

I am very excited to announce that next Monday, my husband will be starting his new job. He's worked as a gardener for quite a while now which allowed us to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables he could take home, however, his job never made him very happy. We knew right from the start that this job was a temporar solution. He could not work as a tailor altho he is an approved one. Somehow, male tailor are not very popular in this area. For over a year now, he took training classes to work as a welding operator. And now, finally, he got a job to owrk as one. However, it includes two days a week of additional training. He is excited and so am I. We're hoping to be able to spend more time together again when he comes home. Since the gardening job didn't make him happy, all he wanted when coming home was being left alone. I accepted it because afterall, he only took this job to be able to provide for us. I cannot say I need to forgive him, because I was never mad about it at first hand. I hope and pray, that once happy with his job, he will be excited to share more of his day when coming home, just the way it is like right now when he comes home from his training classes.

Honey, I also want to thank you. I thanked you each day in my heart, and every now and then verbally (I feel I should have told you more often, you probably needed a cheerlader), or with little gestures. You did what seemed right to you. You did a job you didn't enjoy, just for us, for your family, but you never gave up and finally get to do what you wanted for so long now. You are a great role model to our kids, showing them it's never to late to do what you enjoy, if you can't do plan A, there's always plan B, even if ittakes time. You're showing them yourself that learning and getting ahead is a life long process. I can only hope that they follow your footsteps! I love you!

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